Saturday, May 19, 2007

My Neighbour Totoro (となりのトトロ - Tonari no Totoro)

This is 19 year old film (same age as me :D) as undoubtedly brought animation to a whole new level of fantasy since its production. From the creators of films like "Spirited away", "Tales from Earthsea" and "Howl's moving Castle", Studio Ghibli has never failed to make any of them without a emotional (or rather, heart-warming) storyline.

Like most films created by Studio Ghibli "My Neighbour Totoro" talks about a spiritual beliefs in Japan. In this case it would be a giant forest spirit, which was thought to be a troll in the story and thus the appearance of the name "Totoro" (mispronunciation of torōru [troll] )

This heart-warming film will definitely bring laugher to families and anyone who is a child at heart :D

rating: 4.5/5

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Flame of Recca (烈火の炎 - Rekka no Honō)

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Surprisingly, this is the very first anime i've watched and hence started my anime frenzy. I won't bother to summarize much about the storyline as it has been so long since i've watched it (its been 9 or 10 years ago since i've watched it... YES, its been THAT long). and the major spoilers can be read off from here.

Sad to say, the manga is more detailed and it has an ending (unlike the anime). the anime is based more on comedy, not much of romance. And there is a little violence and sexual content, may not be suitable for kids under the age of 12.

Overall, an anime that is worth to watch over and over again.

One question to take note of though, is there going to be Flame of Recca 2? I need answers. argh.

rating: 4.25/5


Opening Theme:
Nanka Shiawase by The OYSTARS

Ending Theme 1:
Love is Changing by TOM*CAT

Ending Theme 2:
Zutto Kimi No Soba De by TOM*CAT

testing post

Hi people!

this is a blog dedicated purely for Animes and their Songs! :D

do remember to catch us if you can! ^^